It's funny...whenever I listen to the mainstream media all I hear what a great orator Obama is and I wonder why my ears don't hear the same thing. Sure he can read a teleprompter like there's no tomorrow...words that are written for him, but remove that tool and he may need to go to Toastmasters. The word 'ummm' becomes the word of choice.
But even with a teleprompter people should really listen to what he is saying. Get rid of the fluff...get rid of what you are being told by others and really listen to his words. Then when you are done really listening, then watch his actions. Do they match? You can do this...really.
NO, his words and actions don't match up.
- You can't say that you care about babies and then sign a law allowing tons of money to be used to kill babies.
- You can't say that that the days of pork spending are over and then allow a bill with over 9,000 pork projects to go forward.
- You can't say you are going to cut the deficit by 50% and just continue to spend, spend, spend.
- You can't continue to blame everything on Bush to cover up your very liberal, socialist agenda.
- You can't say that you are going to have the most transparent cabinet that there has ever been and then not allow the American people or their representatives to even read the LARGEST spending bill in American history.
This list could go on and on...seriously it could! But my question is...when did we stop caring about integrity? Why is that not important? How can you trust this type of a leader (and I use this word loosely). As a nation and as individuals when did we stop thinking for ourselves and just believe flowery words that have no depth or truth to them?

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